Tampa Bay Homeless Resource Wiki

HomelessnessInSavannah HomelessnessInSavannah 11 July 2013

Comments needed on proposed Tampa criminalization ordinances

We were researching criminalization issues & have found out that there is a public comment period for the proposed (2) ordinances in Tampa at the July 18, 2013 City Council meeting!

One ordinance is about aggressive panhandling & the other is about sleeping on the streets...

We will post links to the text of the two ordinances soon here but in the meantime - if you are interested in mobilizing a group to respond to these ordinacnes & let City Council know how you feel about them please contact us & as we find others who are local to Tampa working ont his issue we will connect y'all too!'

We are in contact with some St Pete resources who may be able to engage in discussions about their process of engaging City Council when their ordinances wer…

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JeremiahKerr JeremiahKerr 23 December 2011

LGBTQI2-S Youth Outreach Coordinator

You might notice that the vast majority of my updates in the Tampa Bay Homeless Wiki are about LGBT issues. Well, about six months ago I was working at a coffee shop and finishing up my undergraduate degree at the University of Tampa. Like many students I was completing an internship with a local organization in the hopes that it would lead to greater career opportunities after graduation. I had been interning with the Homeless Coalition of Hillsborough County, helping the data quality team prepare reports for various agencies that use the countywide database system (UNITY), which is used to track all the homeless people in Hillsborough County and the services they receive. My plans at the time were to apply for the Peace Corps, serve for a …

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Kacieh Kacieh 7 November 2010

Win Free Tickets

The Cardboard Stories is a series of stage plays focusing on the lives of four different homeless people, each with their own unique circumstances that led them into homelessness, and the mysterious character named “Hope” (Miss Florida 2009, Rachael Todd is cast for this role!) who connects them all. The setting for the plays is a bus stop shelter in downtown St. Petersburg, adjacent to Williams Park, a longtime haven for homeless people in South Pinellas County.Through “Hope,” the four characters – “Allie,” the homeless youth who aged out of foster care, “Amanda,” the young mother who fled from domestic violence, “Jack” (short for “Jackson”), the PTSD‐plagued war veteran and “Bill,” the unemployed (marketing executive) family man –interac…

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Hcintern Hcintern 28 June 2010


This is a test of the blog posting system.

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Mswitzer2 Mswitzer2 19 January 2010

Navigating this WIKI.....site

I am just getting acquainted with this WIKI. At first encounter, it is a bit busy and confusing, requiring some trial on error for figuring out categories, options, commands, etc. At first I thought the "Explore the wiki" might be a tutorial or explanation, but soon learned I had to just dive in and figure it out myself. [e.g. there is no "submit" command, instead you must "save page"] Not sure how useful it will be to those casually visiting or those easily frustrated. This can be a very valuable source of valuable information on available resources, but only if those who have the best information take the time to submit & update faithfully........and that rarely happens with such directories due to other priorities & staff turnov…

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Ziber2u Ziber2u 23 November 2009

Life in full version

Hearing but seldom heard

Owning vast knowledge unable to share

Missing to many and few

Exhausted in the search to be safe


Enriched with sufferage


Seeking the America Dream

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