St. Vincent de Paul Society, Tampa Pantry & Thrift Store
12310 Nebraska Ave.
Tampa, FL 33612
Tel: (813) 977-7057
Information/Eligibility: Pantry is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8-10 a.m. Thrift store is open Mon- Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm. The St. Vincent de Paul District (SVDP) Pantry & Thrift Store are in the same building on the Nebraska bus route. The pantry can serve only about 36 families/individuals each day it is open. Applicants need to provide photo ID and be below federal poverty guidelines (automatic if on public assistance, food stamps)
For low-income families & individuals with referrals, sets of clothing & household goods are often provided when available by donation. "Free" furniture usually requires co-payment by referring agency. These non-food items are provided during Thrift Store hours, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Other pantries are operated at several Catholic Parishes, usually by parish SVDP Conference members. All SVDP funds are from donations and all service is provided by volunteers.